Lake OHara, Banff, Landscape photography
Small pond on the Opabin Plateau, Lake O’Hara

First of all, I want to thank you for following up with feedback for the 2016 Lake O’Hara Photo Tour.  I had a great time and I hope my team and I were able to deliver a great tour to you and we able to live up to your expectations.

I have been offering this tour for 5 years now in conjunction with The Camera Store.  The behind the scenes logistics actually take a fair bit of effort to get right.  Sometimes we make minor mistakes too and we do our best to work hard behind the scenes to fix them so it doesn’t affect your experience.  To that end, your feedback is going to help us to continually improve this tour, and all of our tours and workshops, for the future.  Please take the time to fill out the form below and your comments will help us to improve and shape the future look of this tour.

Thank you very much and I hope you enjoyed it thoroughly and I hope to see you again in the future on one of my other events.