Landscape Photography Tour Exit Survey
Thank you for attending the recent Landscape Photography Tour. I hope you enjoyed the Tour and I want to hear feedback about the event. Your answers in the exit survey below are valuable to me. And, I mean that. I want to hear how you felt about the tour that you just attended. I take the results of this survey very serious. Your feedback and insight is very helpful towards improving this event moving forward.
Landscape photography tour exit survey below:
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Hopefully we delivered a top notch event. I think we did a pretty good job. However, I know that there’s always room for improvement and I sincerely want to hear your suggestions. To that end, would you mind completing this short survey to help us improve our events in the future. Your constructive feedback, both negative and positive, is valuable to us and we’d like to hear it.
I want to invite you to join one or more of the popular free regional Landscape and Wildlife Photography Facebook groups serving 34 different regions around the World if you haven’t already. These regional Facebook groups are a great way to learn about different regions from the photographers who live there. Ask people questions, share your photos and join the ILPA community.
Sincerely yours,
Brian Merry
ILPA President and ILPA Pro Photographer